How to install Xeo

by Ricky de Laveaga

2 min read

Xeo is Ricky de Laveaga’s variant of Simple Blog by Óscar Otero, a clean and minimal blog theme for Lume with support for tags and authors. Simple Blog and Xeo both provide Atom and JSON feeds for subscribers.

Initialize your copy of Xeo

Edit the _config.json and _data.yml files in your blog root folder with your data to customize the location (aka domain, “the public URL of the site”), fonts, site title, description, and metadata.

Posts must be saved in the posts folder (for example, posts/ Unlike Simple Blog, Xeo serves them from the root directory, by setting basename to / in posts/_data.yml.

Install as a remote theme

To add the theme to an existing Lume project, import it in your _config.ts file as a remote module. Update it by changing the version number in the import URL:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import xeo from "";

const site = lume();


export default site;

Copy the _config.json and _data.yml files to your blog root folder and edit it with your data.

Use Xeo as a base template

To use this theme as a base template for a more customized blog, clone famebot/xeo on GitHub and edit the _config.json and _data.yml files.



You can use LumeCMS to customize the blog and add content easily.